
Music is a form of art. It has the power of reflecting one's emotions and speaks what cannot be expressed. It has the way of opening our hearts  and helping us feel more connected.

Can we imagine world without music? 

     Of course, we can't. Because everything seems incomplete without music even the nature. But with music it makes every moment sounds beautiful. 

Basic elements of music which makes us feel complete

     1. Rhythm

     2. Melody

     3. Texture

     4. Form

     5. Dynamics

     6. Harmony

Music plays a vital role in mental and physical health:

    Music gives the hand to pick up when we feel low. 

    Music therapy has the magic of improving memory and it helps in Alzheimer's patient in some ways where as there is no other remedy.

    Listening music makes the harder things seems to be easy and feel comfortable to work it out. 

    Music provide meaningful intellectual and emotional engagement to help us reduce pain. 

    When we listen music, our brain releases the pleasure chemical "dopamine" and other feel good hormones to make us calm by relieving stress. 

    Music tends to easy blood flow and decrease blood pressure. Heart rate varies according to the music.

Here are some of the best quotes about music that I could find : 

"Music is life itself"  - Louis Amstrong
"Music is the moonlight in the gloomy night of life" -John Paul Friedrich Richter
"Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn" - Charlie Parker
"Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without" -Confucius
"Where words fail, music speaks" - Han Christian Anderson
 "Music is the only thing I've ever known that doesn't have any rules at all" - Josh Homme
 "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything" -Plato
"The music is not in the notes, but in the silence in between" - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
"Music can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable" - Leonard Bernstein
 "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music" - Aldous Huxley

World Music day is celebrated every year on 21  June  to recognize musicians for making the world a better one.
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