Ways To Improve Programming Skills and Logic.

 1.Think to solve

programming is about solving problems, a good technique is to split the big problem in small ones to focus on each problem in a better way, you can use pseudocodes in a program or in a simple paper.


The most important point is this: Practice.

An algorithm is nothing more than an ordered and finite set of operations that we carry out for sole purpose of finding a solution to a problem. so try to practice simple problems to get a better logic.

3. Learn About Data Structures and Algorithms

Learning about structures will give you a better plan to focus your problems and have an efficient software.

You can play games like chess and practice mathematics

4. Learn Programming Para diagrams

A very good points is to learn programming Para diagrams.

A programing to learn how you can develop programs and solve problems in a different way.

5. Look at Other People's Code

In programming we have many ways to solve problems, maybe another person solved the problem that you have in an optimal and simple way.

Looking at other peoples minds is essential to advise as a programmer.

You have GitHub to see a lot of great projects.

6. Read Books

You'll find plenty of solved examples that can help you to improve your logic.

If you know any other ways, Comment below!
