Java Script Project Ideas

Here some of project Ideas for beginners students even for advanced level peoples.

1. Change Background Colour - This colour Changing app was short to complete.

2. Simple Calculator - Build a project which can solve maths expressions.

3. Counter - A very simple project for Beginners.

4. Background Image Slider - Using simple JavaScript, you can create this project.

5. Filter Project - This Project Involved use of HTML5 data set property.

6. Weather App - Show current weather & forecast for next seven days.

7. To-Do List App - Creates a simple to-do list app using Java script.

8. Analogue Clock Project - Build a simple analogue project using Java script.

9. BMI Calculator - Create a simple BMI calculator Project.

10. Weight Conversion - Pound to Kilogram weight converter project

11. Height Conversion - This project convert feet,inches into centimetre.

12. 2D Breakout Game - Create a 2D Breakout game using simple javascript.

13. Word Count Tool - Create a word length calculator project.

14. Digital Clock Project - Build a digital clock project using Java script.

15. Number Guessing Game - Build a number guessing game.

16. Notes App - Develop app which can add, edit & delete the note.

17. Quiz App - Developing this project enhance your DOM

18. Rock Paper Scissor Game - Developing the project enhance java script DOM skills

19. Dice Game - Create a dice game using Java script.

20. Form Validation - Using Java script create forms with validations.

21. Chess Game - you can build a chess game using Java script.

22. Random User API - You can use random user generator API.

23. Tic Tac Toe Game - Develop a game where two players play

24. Password Generator - Generate the random password which is secure.

25. E-Commerce Website - Develop the site that can show all products & track it.

Comment any other project Ideas, It will be helpful for others!
