Dark Chocolates

"Yeah bitter 

     But sweetest to health"

The sweetest history of chocolates-the cacao plants are found in Mexico (Mesoamerica). Olmec, the oldest civilization of Latin America is the place where cacao plants are converted into chocolates. Cacao was considered as a gift from the God and was used for healing, spiritual, ceremonies, also as a form of currencies to buy goods. They travelled to many countries and had a great impact. 

Dark Chocolates are health beneficiary:

 "Eating chocolate is healthy

       When it is dark"

Delicious nutrition! 

    Dark chocolate contains fiber, filled with iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and other minerals which makes us nutritious. 

Young and charming! 

    The minerals present in it helps in the production of collagen, make the skin looking young and  healthy, renew skin and antioxidants present in it protects skin from powerful ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun. 

Healthy brain! 

    High levels of flavonoids in dark chocolate improve cognition, prevent loss of memory, reduces stress, and boost up your mood to have a good brain health. 

Pretty smile! 

    Source of polyphenols and some natural chemicals neutralize microorganisms and prevent bacteria from turning sugar and starches into acid and keeps the teeth strong. 

Good lub-dub!  

    As it is loaded with cacao and not with sugar and saturated fat. It keeps the heart healthy and lowers the risk of stroke. 

 Apart from these dark chocolates may also help to 

  •    Promote weight loss. 
  •    Increases HDL ( good cholesterol) & Decreases LDL(bad cholesterol). 
  •    Lowers the blood pressure
  •    Prevent onset of diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity. 

 "The darker you go, the more antioxidants you'll get, but there needs to beautiful balance between eating palatable dark chocolate and getting the health benefits".


World chocolate day is celebrate every year on July 7 since 2009 which is also know as international chocolate day.


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