Moral Development

Moral development is a thought process which children develop proper attitudes and behaviors toward other people in society, based on social and cultural norms, rules, and laws.

Kohlberg's moral development theory is a study of how children acquire morality and moral reasoning.

Kohlberg's theory

According to Kohlberg's theory, moral growth happens in three levels.

This level applies to children up to 10 years of age.
It focuses on a child's need to follow rules in order to avoid punishment.
When one child hits another, the injured child will fight. This is what is referred to as "equitable justice." The concept of equality is particularly important to children at this age.

This level begins around the age of 10 and lasts for the majority of adults' lives.
this stage of moral development represents the acceptance of social rules regarding what is acceptable and moral
Few adults reach this level.
At the post-conventional level, people are called autonomous. They think originally and want to live by universally good principles and welfare of others.
They maintain moral integrity, self-respect and respect for others.
They follow the golden rule, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you'.


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