Example Coding Programs for ABSOLUTE BEGINNER

Wish to learn coding but don't know where to start. Here we take the initials steps to begin.

Level  1

1. Addition of two numbers

2. Average of 3 numbers

3. Area of Rectangle

4. Area of Circle

5. Fahrenheit to degree


Level 2

1. Area of ellipse

2. ASCII Value of a Character

3. Find Quotient and remainder

4. Find size of int, char, float, double

5. Check Vowel or Consonant


Level 3

1. To swap two values

2. Check Number is Even or odd.

3. Check char is alphabet or not

4. Show char from A to Z using loop

5. Find the roots of a quadraticus equation


Level 4

1. Generate multiplication table

2. Find the largest among 3

3. Reverse of a given number

4. Factors of a Positive Integer

5. Simple calculator using switch...case


Level 5

1. Calculate power of a number

2. Find factorial of a number

3. Check leap year

4. Check num is prime or not

5. Check palindrome or not


Level 6

1. Print array in reverse order

2. Calculate average of array

3. Find largest number in array

4. Sum of even & odd value of the array

5. Display Fibonacci series


Level 7

1. Print diagonals of matrix (3x3)

2. Print middle row and column of matrix

3. Copy string

4. Reverse a given string

5. Multiply 2 matrix (2-D array)

