Road Map to Learn Python

Step 1 - Basic Concepts

1. Variables.
2. Display output (print command).
3. Take user input (input command).
4. Conditionals.
5. List (Index, Append, Remove).
6. For loop.
7. While loop.
8. Functions.

Step 2 - Simple Coding Problems

1. Convert miles into Kilometres.
2. Calculate Simple Interest.
3. Find Largest Number in a List
4. Check a number is a prime number or not.
5. Sum of all digits in a number.
6. Reverse string (check Palindrome).
7. Calculate age.
8. Build a simple calculator.

Check this for more examples:

Step 3 - Data Structure

1. Stack and Queue.
2. Directory.
3. Tuples.

Step 4 - Oops

1. Object.
2. Class;
3. Method and Constructors.
4. Oop - Inheritance.

Step 5 - Algorithm

1. Binary Search.
2. Bubble Sort.
3. Selection Sort.

Step 6 - Projects

1. Build a Web Crawler.
2. News Aggregator
3. Simple game using pygame.
